March 2024 Looking Back

March was a busy time. Alan K’necht was speaking at two different marketing events.


Image shows session title and speakers

First was at Pubcon in Las Vegas (March 5 -6). He was on a conference panel with Scott Hendison and Adam Proehl. Their topic was “Google Analytics 4 – Navigating the Transition”.

Alan’s presentation addressed the most common errors made during GA4 implementations and why Google Tag Manager (GTM) is still a necessary tool for a successful implementation. He focused on 10 common errors discovered while conducting numerous GA4 implementation audits.


On March 27, Alan was invited to address MnSearch in St. Paul Minnesota. His nearly 90 address combination workshop was entitled “GA4 Unlock Its Full Potential“. Nearly 30 people attended this association event to hear listen to him and to ask questions on GA4 on any issues they may have run into.
Alan K'necht standing in front of his presentation screen at MnSearch






Remember Alan is available to speak at your association, corporate or conference events.

Highlights from Digital Summit Detroit 2023

Beyond speaking at Digital Summit Detroit, what I enjoy most about attending conferences is the networking and camaraderie outside the session rooms. This is an invaluable opportunity for me to connect with attendees and understand the challenges they face when presenting data.

Highlights for me at this conference was reuniting with an old friend and potentially making some new ones.

Photo of Alan K'necht and Dr. Marcus CollinsBefore his keynote address, I encountered Dr. Marcus Collins in the speaker’s breakout room. I unintentionally overheard a part of his phone conversation, and he later apologized for speaking loudly. We then delved into a discussion on some marketing I’d over heard in his conversation. At the time, I wasn’t aware of who he was, assuming he was just another speaker at the conference. However, our discussion was genuinely thought-provoking.

It was only when he took the stage that I was in awe of the depth of his expertise. Unlike many keynote speakers who often focus on bite-sized information suitable for tweets, Dr. Collins provided a wealth of wisdom and insights. I was fortunate enough to secure a copy of his book, “For the Culture,” which I’m eager to dive into.

Photo of Alan K'necht and Grant Simmons Another memorable moment was catching up with my friend, Grant Simmons. Beyond discussing personal updates, I had the pleasure of attending his packed presentation titled, “The Batman Guide to Internal Linking: Expert Tips for Content Authority, Visibility, and SEO Success.” Grant’s distinctive humor, paired with his knack for imparting knowledge and profiling the use of inLinks, captivated the audience. This was evident from the engaged Q&A session that followed.

For the first time, I met Nicole Ramirez. Although I only managed to catch the initial moments of her presentation on “Harness the Power of UX to Elevate Your Marketing and Drive Results,” to a standing room only audience, it was evident she offered solid advice. However, it was somewhat disheartening to note that some of her tips on UX, like ensuring fast page loading times, clean HTML coding, and optimized imagery, were the same suggestions I’d heard from speakers two decades ago. It’s a sad reminder that despite the strides digital marketing has made over the past 20 years, certain undesirable practices persist.

A takeaway for everyone attending any conference: While sessions are fantastic for acquiring knowledge, don’t underestimate the value of networking and exchanging ideas in the corridors, during meals, or designated networking periods. Reconnect with old acquaintances and make an effort to forge new relationships.</p?

Digital Summit Detroit 2023

Photo of Alan speaking at Digital Summit, in the backgound 1 of his presentation slides and in for foreground many of the attendees

On September 19, 2023, Alan K’necht had the privilege of speaking at Digital Summit Detroit. His session was entitled, “Making Your Data Talk/Sing For You! – Using Data Visualization to Tell Persuasive and Meaningful Stories.”

Text of a LinkedIn message "I tried to attend your session at Detroit Digital Summit yesterday, but unfortunately it was so full I couldn't find a seat! "For 30 minutes, he addressed a standing-room-only crowd of approximately 150 to 200 attendees. His central theme was on identifying the pivotal “hot buttons” or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that senior management truly values. Moreover, he discussed capturing this essential information and presenting it in an enticing and significant manner.

The obvious point in presenting this data is to steer clear of mere spreadsheets, tabular data, or raw numbers taken out of context. Instead, the key is to put them in context and accompany them with an easily comprehensible graphic or image (data visualization). These images can encapsulate data but should aim to grab the audience’s attention within 8 seconds.

Why the emphasis on 8 seconds? Alan referenced a recent study in his presentation from Total Care Therapy ( This research highlighted the alarming decrease in the average human attention span over the last 20+ years: from 12 seconds in 2000, dropping to 8.25 seconds by 2015. Remarkably, by 2015, a goldfish — boasting an attention span of 9 seconds – exceeding a human by 0.75 seconds. While the study did not provide specific data for 2023, it’s a safe bet to assume our collective attention span has further diminished.

Image from Total Care Therapy study: Image states "according to research our attention span has markedly decreased in just 15 years" Average attention span in 2000 12 seconds. Average attention span in 2015 8.25 seconds

So, how do we counteract this dwindling attention span? His presentation’s conclusion was clear: “Embrace Data Visualization” and let the data sing.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) vs. Google Universal Analytics (GA3)

On Thursday May 18, Alan K’necht is speaking to the South Florida Interactive Marketing (sfim) Association at their regular monthly meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

His presentation is “Google Analytics 4 (Ga4) vs. Google Universal Analytics (UA/GA3)”. Change is never easy even when it is a positive change. There is a lot of confusion about GA4. As with any new version of software there are good, bad and things most people don’t understand in it.

During the presentation, learn about the differences between Google UA and GA4. One major change in GA4 interface is far more customizable than UA. See these new features and learn to leverage them to your specific needs.

To register for this or other events visit sfim’s website.

K’necht to Give GA4 Workshop at Tastemaker Conference

An online workshop focused on how to customize the GA4 interface to deliver meaningful and insightful reports quickly and easily.

Tastemaker Conference Logo

Alan K’necht will be presenting at the online Tastemaker Conference “Google Analytics and GA4 Workshop” on April 21, 2023. This online event is a series of GA4 workshops delivered from 10am – 3pm Eastern time. K’necht workshop takes place  2:35 -3:00pm.

His workshop is titled “GA4 Custom Reports & Customization for Bloggers”. The workshop is focused on how to customize the GA4 interface to deliver meaningful and insightful reports quickly and easily. Attendees will learn how to simplify the GA4 interface and make finding important data easier.

Google Analytics and GA4 Workshop

To order tickets, please visit:


Two Digital Summit Conferences

Alan K'necht deliver a conference addressAugust was a busy month for Alan K’necht. He spoke at two different Digital Summit conferences less than a week a part. First one in Washington DC. on August 4 and then in New York City on August 10. His topic for both events was  “Making Your Data Talk/Sing For You: Use the Power of Storytelling to Influence Action“.

During his session Alan covered (from a cognitive science perspective) why the use of visuals is more memorable than simply presenting data. Additionally,  he demonstrated how to create create effective data visualization combined with story telling techniques to create a memorable presentation and influence your audience.

In NYC, Alan did something a little differently.

Alan K'necht tells stories at Digital Summit New YorkHe started off by sitting on the stage, telling everyone a story about a major anniversary that happed over the weekend.

“The anniversary had to do with “Tim Berners-Lee“.

He asked the everyone, if they knew who “Tim Berners-Lee” was. Only 1 person put up their hand. Alan was taken aback with this low number.

He then continued, “it was on August 7, that Sir Tim Berners-Lee announced he was working as special project via an Executive Summary, The project was called the WorldWideWeb.” He concluded with “it is because of that project that we were all here today” and then started his presentation.

The attendees loved the presentation, and afterwards he received lots of positive feedback from the attendees.

Alan is looking forward to speaking again at Digital Summit in Detroit Oct 25-26, 2022.