March 2024 Looking Back

March was a busy time. Alan K'necht was speaking at two different marketing events.


Image shows session title and speakers First was at Pubcon in Las Vegas (March 5 -6). He was on a conference panel with Scott Hendison and Adam Proehl. Their topic was "Google Analytics 4 - Navigating the Transition". Alan's presentation addressed the most common errors made during GA4 implementations and why Google Tag Manager (GTM) is still a necessary tool for a successful implementation. He focused on 10 common errors discovered while conducting numerous GA4 implementation audits.


On March 27, Alan was invited to address MnSearch in St. Paul Minnesota. His nearly 90 address combination workshop was entitled "GA4 Unlock Its Full Potential". Nearly 30 people attended this association event to hear listen to him and to ask questions on GA4 on any issues they may have run into. Alan K'necht standing in front of his presentation screen at MnSearch           Remember Alan is available to speak at your association, corporate or conference events.