March 2024 Looking Back

March was a busy time. Alan K’necht was speaking at two different marketing events.


Image shows session title and speakers

First was at Pubcon in Las Vegas (March 5 -6). He was on a conference panel with Scott Hendison and Adam Proehl. Their topic was “Google Analytics 4 – Navigating the Transition”.

Alan’s presentation addressed the most common errors made during GA4 implementations and why Google Tag Manager (GTM) is still a necessary tool for a successful implementation. He focused on 10 common errors discovered while conducting numerous GA4 implementation audits.


On March 27, Alan was invited to address MnSearch in St. Paul Minnesota. His nearly 90 address combination workshop was entitled “GA4 Unlock Its Full Potential“. Nearly 30 people attended this association event to hear listen to him and to ask questions on GA4 on any issues they may have run into.
Alan K'necht standing in front of his presentation screen at MnSearch






Remember Alan is available to speak at your association, corporate or conference events.

K’necht to Give GA4 Workshop at Tastemaker Conference

An online workshop focused on how to customize the GA4 interface to deliver meaningful and insightful reports quickly and easily.

Tastemaker Conference Logo

Alan K’necht will be presenting at the online Tastemaker Conference “Google Analytics and GA4 Workshop” on April 21, 2023. This online event is a series of GA4 workshops delivered from 10am – 3pm Eastern time. K’necht workshop takes place  2:35 -3:00pm.

His workshop is titled “GA4 Custom Reports & Customization for Bloggers”. The workshop is focused on how to customize the GA4 interface to deliver meaningful and insightful reports quickly and easily. Attendees will learn how to simplify the GA4 interface and make finding important data easier.

Google Analytics and GA4 Workshop

To order tickets, please visit:


Alan K’necht to Present at DigitalSummit Washington

Alan K’necht is presenting once again at a live conference on August 4, 2022 in Washington DC. This is his first IN-PERSON presention in over 2 years and he’ll be at Digital Summit Washington DC.

Details on the specific topic are still being worked out, but you can be assured they will involve analytics and making your data sing!

If you’d like to attend you can use the special discount code for the event SPEAKER75 (saves you $75)

Google Analytics: Recap SEO For Bloggers

A Forensic Look at Google Analytics

On April 13, Alan K’necht participated in an online group discussion about leveraging Google Analytics for bloggers. We discussed the impact of the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will have on measuring successful blog. Additionally, we took answer a number of questions from online attendees.

Here’s your chance, if you missed it or want to review all the material just follow the link and you’ll have access to the recording and a spreadsheet of our Q&A portion.

If you prefer to just watch the session (via YouTube) here it is:

YouTube player